Quick Coding ExampleΒΆ
Boost simple neural networks to predict a binary target:
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPRegressor
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from genestboost import BoostedModel
from genestboost.loss_functions import LogLoss
from genestboost.link_functions import LogitLink
# generate a dummy dataset - the library expects numpy arrays of dtype float
X, y = make_classification(
weights=[0.90, 0.10],
# create a boosted model instance
model = BoostedModel(
link=LogitLink(), # link function to use
loss=LogLoss(), # loss function to use
model_callback=MLPRegressor, # callback creates model with fit, predict
model_callback_kwargs={ # keyword arguments to the callback
"hidden_layer_sizes": (16,),
"max_iter": 1000,
"alpha": 0.2,
weights="newton", # newton = scale gradients with second derivatives
alpha=1.0, # initial learning rate to try
step_type="decaying", # learning rate type
step_decay_factor=0.50, # learning rate decay factor
validation_fraction=0.20, # fraction of training set to use for holdout
validation_iter_stop=5, # stopping criteria
validation_stratify=True, # stratify the holdout set by the target (classification)
# fit the model
model.fit(X, y, min_iterations=10, iterations=100)
# evaluate the model
predictions = model.predict(X) # predicted y's (probabilities in this case)
scores = model.decision_function(X) # predicted links (logits in this case)
plt.plot(model.get_loss_history(), label=["Training", "Holdout"])